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"Love God, love yourself love your neighbour."

                                                                  LUKE 10:27


Trust Rationale


Isaiah 54: 13

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.”



In our Trust context, a Children’s Chaplain is defined as an individual who contributes to the spiritual, prayer and pastoral needs of their school community. We see the nature of the Children’s Chaplain to ‘be there’ for other children and staff, especially for those who need additional support, comfort, space for reflection/prayer or a listening ear impacting positively on mental health and well-being. Our Children’s Chaplains are concerned with care for all within a school community, regardless of individuals’ personal faith. Ethos Teams and Children’s Chaplains will enrich the SMSC opportunities and explorations of their school.


Our Missional Approach


As a Trust we believe that children have a talent to live out this role and will have an enormous positive impact on their school communities. Our Children’s Chaplains will support our churches, mosques and temples, encouraging children and staff in their own spiritual journeys. The Children’s Chaplaincy role is to travel alongside others and invite them into a space where they may encounter God or take another step on their spiritual journey. Our Children’s Chaplains will be a positive spiritual presence in their schools and across the Trust, they will make faith more visible by using signs, symbols and art. They will support the Ethos Teams in gathering evidence on how the school’s Christian values and Ethos have a positive impact on the school communities. Our Children’s Chaplains and Ethos Teams will engage with faith wherever it is found. This extends even to ‘faith in no Faith’, to encourage discussion, acceptance and love for all. Faith, we believe, should be visible and tangible in our schools, where everyone can feel comfortable expressing and living their faith to the full. 


The Role of a Children’s Chaplain in our Trust


In our Trust and schools, the role of the Children’s Chaplain is as follows;


* To support the school to be a community of faith.

* To support pupils to live and grow their faith day by day.

* To support the school’s Ethos, developing healthy relationships between all faiths and communities.

* To promote plan, deliver and articulate the impact of worship.

* To promote plan and deliver prayer activities, including prayer spaces, contributing to the prayer life of the school.

* To be servant leaders through pastoral support, fundraising and social action projects.

* To be courageous advocates.

* To promote positive mental health for all, offering support and guidance.

* To monitor the impact of class reflection areas.

* To support Ethos Teams and senior leaders to gather evidence of the impact of the school’s Christian Ethos.

* To support the school’s delivery of spiritual, moral, social and cultural education.

* Being present at whole school and Trust events.

* To support local churches, mosques, temples and other places of worship.

Meet our Children's Chaplains

Training and Support for our Children’s Chaplains


Every September Canon Pilling delivers a training course for our Children’s Chaplains, in all our Trust schools. The course will provide the children with an opportunity to explore the role of becoming a Children’s Chaplain. There will be an opportunity for other adults to support such as clergy and diocesan advisors. The group is commissioned by Revd Ian to go out and serve their school communities. The Children's Chaplains also deliver a keynote presentation to the Christian Leadership residential every year.

Children's Chaplains Training Day course material.

Session 1 – Exploring the tradition of chaplains.

                    Exploring the skills and qualities need to

                    fulfil the role. Building relationships.

Session 2 - Leading worship.


Session 3 – Leading prayer activities, the use of prayer                            spaces and classroom reflection spaces.


Session 4 – Supporting others in their spiritual journey.


Session 5 – Supporting others with their mental health.


Session 6 – Servant leadership and Courageous advocacy.                      Fundraising and supporting the wider                                    community.

Download the training material by clicking on the image below.

In December the Children's Chaplains come together and discuss the impact of their work in their school.

Bishop Mark was very interested in the responses from our last Children's Chaplains training day.

Children's Chaplains Training day


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