Physical Education is an important part of the curriculum and Bishop Bridgeman are committed to raising the standards in this subject.
We provide an in-depth physical exercise program during curriculum time, which includes a variety of activities designed to challenge and inspire our children. As well as these curriculum activities, we provide all children with the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of after school clubs, which cover a range of sports. When selecting after school clubs we listen to the interests and needs of the children. To help achieve this aim, we employ a specialist PE coach, provided by Key PE Sports, to teach PE. The coach works with all teachers and children to develop and strengthen the P.E curriculum across the school. It is a vital part of their role to provide support and training to ensure all our teachers can deliver high quality PE lessons.
Key PE Sports provide Continuous Professional Development opportunities, they work with all teachers to set targets, and model and demonstrate how they can improve their P.E lessons. In addition to this there are team teaching sessions, where a coach supports the teacher throughout the lesson working on their CPD targets.
We aim to ensure P.E lessons are inclusive for all children. Our coach delivers a weekly session for those children who may struggle to access the P.E curriculum due to additional needs, or lack of confidence. This is a small group where achievable targets are set for the children. The sessions are supported by special needs assistants who gain extra resources, skills and activities that they can use in P.E lessons to develop the children’s skills and confidence.
We have also used some of the funding to provide specialist after school clubs and coaching such as multi skills and dodge ball, as well as the more traditional sports. In addition to developing these skills, we are providing our children with many opportunities to apply their skills in competitive situations. We participate in our local cluster competitions run by ESSA Academy. We have had great success in such competitions!
For further information about our PE curriculum, please speak to Mrs. K. Breingan (PE Curriculum Leader).